The Government Spends Trillions Of Dollars Annually And Are Obligated To Give A Percentage Of That Spend To Small Businesses Like You
If You Are A Woman Or Minority In Business Or LGBT Or Disabled Vet.. There's Also An Additional Percent Set Aside For You As A Small Business Owner
Government Contracting Is A Proven To Provide Long-term Success & Regular Paying Customers While Getting Paid Top Dollars For Your Business Services.
Meet your next mentor, Karwanna D.
Learn more about what she has been able to achieve as a Woman & Minority Business Owner:
I've been able to grow my business from a struggling gig, barely making ends meet, to building a legacy and never having to worry about where the next customer is coming from again.
The very first contract I landed replaced my traditional 9-5 where I was working 40hr work weeks and missing out on important moments with my kids to generating $70,000 for just 56 hours of my time.
I have been able to participate on multi-billion dollar projects as a woman owned minority small business, getting my piece of the pie.
I have received media features, grants and awards for the success I've had in government contracting for my business.
I created what I coin the Trillion Dollar Secret to Government Contracts and have taught thousands of other small business owners how to get started with selling their services to government agencies.
I've learned the true value of being a disadvantaged small business and how to leverage that to get access to billions of dollars in contracting opportunities.
Plus, learn how she was able to 10x everything she did organically with no additional effort...
Learn more about what she has been able to achieve as a Woman & Minority Business Owner:
I've been able to grow my business from a struggling gig, barely making ends meet, to building a legacy and never having to worry about where the next customer is coming from again.
The very first contract I landed replaced my traditional 9-5 where I was working 40hr work weeks and missing out on important moments with my kids to generating $70,000 for just 56 hours of my time.
I have been able to participate on multi-billion dollar projects as a woman owned minority small business, getting my piece of the pie.
I have received media features, grants and awards for the success I've had in government contracting for my business.
I created what I coin the Trillion Dollar Secret to Government Contracts and have taught thousands of other small business owners how to get started with selling their services to government agencies.
I've learned the true value of being a disadvantaged small business and how to leverage that to get access to billions of dollars in contracting opportunities.
Plus, learn how she was able to 10x everything she did organically with no additional effort...
Karwanna has created a simple step by step system (3 Step BCP) to help other small business owners learn how to get started with government contracts.
This system is taught through a signature program called the Trillion Dollar Government Contracts Accelerator, where you get the exact blueprint and strategy for success that she used in my business to land multiple 5, 6 & 7 figure contracts as a small business owners so that you can get there faster.